I had stumbled upon this great gem about how Amazon is doing product management a while ago. In short, it is about working backwards with regards to the usual product management deliverables, i.e. start...
Why Are Startups More Productive – Part Two: Sole Responsibility
In my last post, I wrote about one reason why I think startups are more productive than bigger companies: employee empowerment. Today, I want to post a second one: sole responsibility. To many people...
Why Are Startups More Productive – Part One: Employee Empowerment

People working in big companies are often discussing the merits of startups. It appears, in startups everything is easier, quicker and the employees (and therefore also the companies) are getting more done. Is it...
Pragmatism, Technical Debt and Broken Windows

I recently stumbled across the following question on Quora: What are the best examples of software bugs that became features (a.k.a. misbugs)? And here is my favourite answer: This is from an anecdote by...
Engineers and User Interface Design

Marketing god Seth Godin says today: Sharing a book is (almost) as good as writing one. And when Seth speaks, I shall obey ;-). Considering I will not be able to write a book...
Beware of Feature Overload – and what to do About it

I have recently been tipped by one of my colleagues to this article. It is an UX-perspective about avoiding to add too many features to a maturing product. It has many noteworthy points, among...
Leadership on Many Levels
I am always enjoying watching the video above. It was first shared with me by Ron Meyer at a leadership-training I attended. It contains a couple of remarkable findings about leadership nicely explained by...
The one Work Hack That Makes Sure I Never Forget an Action at Work

Recently, I read an article called The 1 Work Hack That Will Save You 900 Hours a Year. And I did not get it. I found what the author describes a bit – unpractical....
Mobile and the Return of the Software Artist

Recently, I posted a link to an article about David Maynard. One more thing that resonated with me (beside the topic about age and software engineers) was this quote: There are precious few people...
Yesterday – The Backup Song

Found this hanging in my office today, posted on a wall by a coworker. Original appears to be from here, posted on the internet all the way back in 1999, feel free to sing...